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The Goldpine Post - AUGUST 2022

Welcome to the August edition of The Goldpine Post, dedicated to other animals.

This month, we take a look at the only organic free-range chicken producer in New Zealand. Founded by Ben Bostock and co-managed with his brother George, Bostock Brothers Organic Free Range Chicken is based at one of their family’s old apple orchards in Hastings, housing chickens across 30 hectares.

We revisited James Ewing of James Ewing Fencing on the outskirts of Pleasant Point, as he worked on an 11-kilometre fencing project for a local dairy farmer. Find out some handy fencing tips on how James assembles an angle stay.

Based in Dovedale, Tasman, Werner Arnold is a sheep and beef farmer of Arko Farms who chooses to use goats to regenerate one of his 24-hectare pine forest blocks and improve the quality of pasture. Goats are one of the few animals that eat the undesirable plants first which can help to support any farming operation.

This year’s NZ Young Farmers Goldpine Fencing Tournament took place in Taipuha, Northland where seven different regions across New Zealand competed for the national title. Each team was given three hours to complete a 7-wire batten fence and construct a timber gate.

Our State of the Industry article this month focuses on honey, chicken, pork and goats – along with insights from key leaders of Apiculture New Zealand, New Zealand Pig Breeders’ Association and some members of the New Zealand Llama Association.

We intend to continue supplying you with the best stories, activities and techniques in agriculture. If you have anything that you would like us to share, please get in touch.