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Retaining Wall Products


Retaining Wall Products

At Goldpine, we offer a wide range of retaining wall products to meet every need, from large structural timber walls to solutions for your home and garden. With the largest selection and exclusive options only available at Goldpine, our Outdoor Timber Specialists are the experts you can trust to find the best value solution for you.

High Density Means Stronger

Choosing Goldpine High Density Piles gives you superior strength compared to low or medium density timber. By specifying Goldpine High Density Poles, you may achieve the same load and strength requirements with a smaller piece of timber, offering you even better value.

50-Year Treatment Guarantee

If any Goldpine roundwood product, when used for its intended purpose, becomes unfit for use within 50 years of purchase due to fungal or insect attack, we will replace it.