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The Goldpine Post – JUNE 2022

Welcome to our June edition of The Goldpine Post. This month, we focus on New Zealand’s world-renowned grass-fed beef and showcase how our Kiwi farmers are conscious of looking after their animals and the environment.

We provide you with the benefits of grass-fed red meat and the advantages of producing quality products.

Mangaotea Farm is based in the Taranaki region and owned by the Blackwell family: Robin, Jacqueline and Zarrah. They breed Angus, Hereford and Murray Grey cattle and host bull sales on their farm, which creates a dedicated and supportive family operation.

Based in Hawke’s Bay, we caught up with Peter Olsen as he shared his experiences working with beef cattle and rodeo riding.

Kane Brisco of Farm Fit NZ created and hosted Gumboot Run NZ, a national event where individuals participate in a run for charity in their gumboots. We provide you with information on the successful event that supported I am Hope and Will to Live.