Pete Maclennan: Assembling a Box Stay
Know Holes Baa-ed Fencing
Pete's Tip for Tackling Terrain
For more than 50 years, Pete Maclennan has been a mainstay in the fencing industry in Hawke’s Bay. With roots in farming that date back to his childhood, Pete transitioned from general farm work and shearing into a long career in fencing.
We visited Pete on his picturesque property in Waimārama as he shared a tip he believes could benefit all fencers: installing a box stay, demonstrated here on flat terrain but also ideal on hilly terrain.
The choice to become a fencer by trade was easy, he said. “It’s a good bit of fitness, and with a farming background, I think I was able to sort of understand what you would need to be a good fencer.”
Over the decades, Pete has worked on a wide range of fencing projects through his business Know Holes Baa-ed Fencing, from conventional and electric to deer fencing. In recent years, Pete has predominantly used products from Goldpine, citing their durability and ease of use. “I would think the last 10 years it’s the only product I’ve used, unless the clients brought something else for me. I’ve promoted it because of the end result and the efficiency with which I can use it,” Pete said.
What sets Goldpine apart, in Pete’s eyes, is the sheer strength and durability of the products. “I didn’t believe it when Goldpine said it was three times stronger than other gear, but it’s true. I’ve put it to the test for, honestly, at least a few years,” he said. “When I was farming, if you put inadequate gear around gates, you’d smash it. If you put beefy gear, like the Goldpine stuff - because the products are way denser and rigid - you don’t have that problem.”
Pete’s method is best used when the stay is too steep or if the contour in front of the strainer is too steep. He said using Goldpine 2.7m x 200mm Pointed Strainers for the job cuts off at least 15 minutes per box stay. “I can put them in the ground much quicker than any other product. I can use the post driver at full strength to get it in the hole. With Goldpine, you can thump their strainers and posts as much as you want and they stay strong, you can control them easier. You can pull or push it over in either direction without snapping the post or causing it to bend.”