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The Post June 2024

Welcome to the June edition of The Post. This month, we focus on the beef industry, and take a look at two beef farms led by strong female figures, embracing adaptability, flexibility and future focussed farming. We spent a sunny morning on Waihua Station in Wairoa, where farm owner and manager, Rose Haynes, showed us through her diverse beef operation; which includes farming and meat production, selling her beef and lamb direct to customers, onsite accommodation, a coffee cart and farm shop, and a merino wool project.

In Te Karaka, we met with Storm Baynes-Ryan at Turiwai Farm, a 63-hectare sheep and beef property which Storm and her husband Ginge purchased two years ago. Storm divides her time between her physio work and the farm, and is dedicated and passionate about both mental and physical wellbeing in agriculture.

While we were down in the Gisborne region, we spent time onsite with Cory Twigley, where he was working alongside Tim Garrick on an ongoing project to re-fence flood banks on the Waipaoa River. Cory also showed us how to install a gate.

Meat the Need and Feed Out are two incredible sister charities working to connect local communities and families in need, with high-quality meat and dairy products. We chatted to Zellara Holden, general manager at Meat the Need about their overall goal of ensuring that no one should go hungry or unnourished in New Zealand, as well as their plans to scale up the programme for 2024.

Our State of the Industry article for this month focuses on the beef sector. We talk to key leaders and individuals within the industry as they share their insights and experiences.

We intend to continue supplying you with the best stories, activities and techniques in agriculture. If you have anything that you would like us to share, please get in touch.