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The Post - Viticulture

Welcome to the March edition of The Post. This month, we focus on winegrowing and the viticulture industry. Northland award-winning winery Okahu Estate is owned by Monty Knight, who has had a colourful, entrepreneurial career. The Estate has been around for nearly 40 years, and even though Monty is reducing his vineyard, he is still growing two diff erent varieties and selling great wine from his cellar door onsite.

Retaining Canterbury director Chris Dalzell was working on a property in Mount Pleasant and took us through steps on how to build a retaining wall.

Francis and Annette Maher are seventh-generation farmers, based in Marlborough, who own a vineyard operation. They are big on involving the whole family in the business, so their five daughters help wherever they can.

We feature Rowan Hoskins of Escarpment Martinborough as he highlighted their new winery, sustainable practices and young, passionate team.

Feilding High School is committed to providing its students with an agriculture department where they have the opportunity to learn practical skills in agriculture, horticulture and primary industries.

We visited Mark Hellyer, co-director of Pacific Coast Technical Institute, at one of their apiaries in Paeroa where students in the beekeeping programme learnt about bee health and behaviour.

Our State of the Industry article this month is on the viticulture sector, where we speak to individuals and key leaders in the wine industry as they share their thoughts and experiences.

We intend to continue supplying you with the best stories, activities and techniques in agriculture. If you have anything that you would like us to share, please get in touch.

Our thoughts go out to all those affected by the recent weather events. We will endeavour to help the rural communities affected get back on their feet and assist in growing the world’s best products. The resilience of the rural community has been tested in recent years, but time and time again, our rural people pull together and help one another – that’s what makes a strong sector.