Buy a Shed & Win One of 22 Toolbox Packages – Winners Announced
A massive congratulations to all our winners across the country for winning a toolbox package worth over $700.

Every toolbox package includes a Powerbuilt 8” Linesman Pliers, Powerbuilt 10” Curved Jaw Locking Pliers, Powerbuilt 250mm Adjustable Wrench, Powerbuilt 300mm Groove Joint Pliers, Powerbuilt 24 oz Ball Peen Hammer, Powerbuilt 9pc. Metric and Powerbuilt 11pc. Ring & Open End Spanner Set.

- Amberley - Kerry Mortimer
- Ashburton - Paul Mortimer
- Blenheim - Kyle Dairy LTD – Kenny Kyle
- Christchurch - Build First Ltd - Justin Thornley
- Cromwell - Grant Weaver
- Dannevirke - John Meuli
- Feilding - Adam Greenwood
- Invercargill - Malcolm & Sue Day Ltd
- Morrinsville - Joe Murray T/A Matahere Farm
- Mosgiel - Rodger McElwain
- Masterton - Fix Worx – Boyd Rossiter
- Richmond - Doug & Jane McConochie
- Stratford - Mark & Jo-Anne Edser T/A Heathen Handkrafts
- Timaru - Monarch Pursuits – Luke Romano
Make sure you keep an eye out for our next promotion for your chance to put your name in the draw.

Date posted: 19 December 2022