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The Goldpine Post - October 2022

Welcome to the October edition of The Goldpine Post. This month, we take a look at sheep and their significant role in New Zealand’s farming history. Just outside of Te Anau, we visited Kate Macdonald at her family’s farm, Davaar Station. We had the opportunity to talk to Kate about her new business, Davaar & Co, in which all of her woollen jerseys are grown and produced in New Zealand.

We caught up with fencing contractor Winston Fleming in Kaharoa, just outside of Rotorua, as he showed us how to tie a figure 8 fencing knot.

Bremworth has been operating for over 60 years, producing the finest range of carpets and rugs. In 2020, they ditched synthetic materials to focus on providing 100% New Zealand grown woollen products that are better for our sheep farmers and the environment.

Laura Koot is a woman of many jobs – one of them being the executive director of The Fairlight Foundation, advancing women in the agricultural industry. We visited her at Fairlight Station as she shared her experiences of moving from a corporate lifestyle to being her own boss at Real Country, which teaches women essential skills on farm.

Sheep and beef farmer John Levy transitioned from real estate to greener pastures. We visited him at Puketea Farm in Tasman where he discussed his love for farming, planting and racing remote-controlled yachts.

Another woman that is making tracks in the rural industry is Chanelle O’Sullivan. Defining herself as a multipotentialite, Chanelle has multiple projects on the go, including her business Borage and Bee Meadery.

Our State of the Industry article for the month focuses on sheep, with insights from key leaders from a range of different backgrounds within the sector.

We intend to continue supplying you with the best stories, activities and techniques in agriculture. If you have anything that you would like us to share, please get in touch.