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The Goldpine Post - September 2022

Welcome to the September edition of The Goldpine Post, dedicated to dairy. This month, we take a look at the industry that has remained strong and steady throughout the years.

Based in Southland and just minutes from Invercargill, we caught up with Tangaroa Walker who is in his sixth season contract milking at Mirakanui Dairy Ltd Partnership. Tangaroa has a large presence on social media through his brand Farm 4 Life, which now provides NZQA- qualified education on dairy farming through an online learning hub.

We visited Ben Clark of Totally Tracking & Landscapes Ltd whilst he was working on hill country fencing in the Tasman region. He took us through the process of replacing a broken fence post – a tip that can come in handy on any project you’re working on.

In the Waikato region, we arrived at Mountain View Organics, located just outside of the township of Te Aroha. It is home to Gavin and Sheryn Fisher who have maintained an organic dairy operation for the last 28 years. Knowledge is power, and this saying is evident in their farming practices where they continue to educate themselves on producing a sustainable and productive dairy farm.

Dr Jacqueline Rowarth shares a sustainability piece on the aspirational goal of New Zealand being carbon zero by 2050. She also talks about how the agricultural sector is already playing a part in combatting this through being the champions for our country’s economy.

A few months ago, we headed to Cape Farewell to witness tree plantings hosted by HealthPost Nature Trust at Wharariki Ecosanctuary. Around 60 people, staff and volunteers, helped to plant 1,200 native trees to provide a safe habitat for native birds and species.

Our State of the Industry article this month focuses on dairy and the strengths and challenges of being New Zealand’s biggest export.

We intend to continue supplying you with the best stories, activities and techniques in agriculture. If you have anything that you would like us to share, please get in touch.