Peng Za Thang Laisui
Peng Za Thang Laisui
Started with Goldpine in March 2017
Trellis and Outdoor Furniture Maker, Ecoliving
Peng started with us in March 2017, initially up at our Golden Downs site, before moving to our Trellis yard in May that year.
Originating from Myanmar, Peng moved to New Zealand in November 2012, after spending time in Malaysia as a truck mechanic. Choosing Nelson as his new home, he and his two daughters have now settled into the New Zealand way of life, including fishing off the beach when he gets the time.
He enjoys his role at our Trellis yard, and even though he’s experienced at making all the different components, his real passion lies with making and putting together our great looking Kiwi made trellis. In fact, I’ve heard from his manager, Marc, that if he could, Peng would spend all his time in that area – that’s not a bad thing either, as he does a great job for Goldpine!
We’re glad that Peng chose us for his place of work, and after nearly four years in our business, Marc reckons he’s not only one of the most experienced, but one of the most helpful team members on our site.